Treatment of Peroneal Tendonitis — Pain Free Physiotherapy Clinic
Peroneal Tendonitis is a common cause of pain around the back and outer side of the foot due to inflammation, irritation, or degeneration of the tendons. Tendonitis/ inflammation of the peroneal tendon or tendons occurs when the tendon is over-used or placed under too much tension, usually from repetitive movements causing micro-trauma on the tendon.
The initial treatment can be abbreviated as PRICE — protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
The patient may have a painful limp, so the peroneal tendons need to be rested from weight-bearing activities.
Ice can be applied to reduce pain and swelling. Apply for 10–15 minutes every 3 to 4 hours during the initial inflammatory phase.
Anti-inflammatory medication may help reduce pain and swelling. Supportive Kinesio taping can support the injured soft tissue.
Other helpful physiotherapy modalities and techniques can be used to reduce pain. Once the pain settles, rehabilitation can be started on a home exercise program basis to normalize range of motion, strengthen the lower limb muscles and improve balance.
Chronic tendinopathies will take longer to recover. The treatment at this stage is active rehabilitation to improve the tendon’s ability to respond to load. This includes eccentric strengthening of the peroneal muscles; as well as balance, strength, and range of motion exercises of the lower limb.
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